Please note that Devon Crest Swim Team is NOT a learn-to-swim program. All swimmers 8 and under (by 6/1) must be able to swim the length of the pool (25 m) and have a legal freestyle and one other stroke (back, breast or fly). All swimmers 9 and over (by 6/1) must be able to swim 2 lengths of the pool (50 m) and have a legal freestyle and one other stroke (back, breast or fly). New swimmers with no documented times from a competitive swim team will be required to participate in an assessment. There are no time requirements for new swimmers, just the ability to meet the above requirements.

Swimmers are divided into three (3) levels with practice opportunities for each level. These levels are determined by the swimmer's age. Ages by 6/1/23 are used to determine practice level. Swimmers must be age 5 by 8/1/23 to swim in the 2023 season.

Please note that during the first two weeks of practice all swimmers MUST practice in their correct age group. After this time if you feel your swimmers should be moved to another practice please contact the Coach Liaison, Lindsay Leigh, and coaches can assess swimmers. Coaches will make the final decision about swimmer placement. NO practice adjustments can be made for scheduling convenience.

Developmental (ages 5-12)

This group is typically comprised of swimmers new to competitive swimming that have progressed beyond a learn-to-swim program or swimmers that are still learning all four (4) strokes. These swimmers will learn better techniques for all 4 strokes, diving, and turns.

Prerequisites: Swimmers MUST be able to complete a 25-freestyle and one other stroke (back, fly or breast). Swimmers must also be able to listen and pay attention to instruction given by the coaches during the 45-minute practices. Swimmers must be age 5 by 8/1/23 in order to swim in the 2023 season.

 Practice Schedule: Mornings (10:15am - 11:00am Monday - Friday) or Evenings (6:00pm - 6:45pm Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Level I (ages 9-12)

This group may include some experienced 7 and 8-year-old swimmers as well as 10&U and 12&U age groups. The emphasis is to teach better stroke techniques for all 4 strokes, racing starts and turns. Swimmers should also progress to swimming each stroke longer distances.

Prerequisites: Swimmers MUST be able to swim all 4 strokes.

 Practice Schedule: Mornings (9:15am - 10:15am Monday Friday) or Evenings (6:45pm - 7:45pm Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Level II (up to age 18 and at the coach's discretion)

This group is comprised of our top age-group swimmers. There is an emphasis on stroke mechanics. Swimmers in this group will need to be able to make stroke mechanic corrections in a group session as much as they do in a one-on-one session.

Prerequisites: Swimmers have mastered all 4 strokes, racing starts and turns.

 Practice Schedule: Mornings (7:45am - 9:15am Monday Friday) or Evenings (6:45pm - 7:45pm Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Please note:

  • The age ranges listed are the most common ages for each group. Coaches will make the final determination as to which level a swimmer belongs.

  • Any changes to swim group will be left to Coaches discretion.

  • All swimmers should come to practice prepared for both dry-land exercises and swimming (bring sneakers, shorts, t-shirt or sweatshirt in addition to swimsuit, goggles, towel). This applies to all practices during the summer swim season.

  • Practices may be extended, shortened or canceled at the coach's discretion.

  • Practices are usually conducted in the rain but will not be held if thunder or lightning is detected. Notice will be made via text or e-mail if a practice is canceled.

  • This is not a learn-to-swim program. However, Devon Manor Swim Club does offer a Learn-to-Swim Clinic during the summer. Please visit their website at http://devonmanorswimclub.com for more information.